Stupidity Makes Me Tired

August 26, 2008 at 11:08 am | Posted in Rants | 25 Comments
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This rant, as you may guess, involves Shugo Chara, (just like pretty much every rant of mine). But I’m using a Ranka image, because I am tired and she is cute. Head off that question right there. Plus, I don’t want any morons getting any more cute pictures of SC from me (you guys suck).

My blogging slowed down, a lot recently. I blame it all on being tired. It’s partially my own fault, but I’m going to go out on a limb and blame a lot of morons on the internet with nothing better to do with their time than to stalk me on the internet just because I said “bad things” about someone that they like.

Quite frankly, it’s more tiring to ignore it than it is to write a rant, so here’s a nice big frustrated rant. Enjoy.

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